Recycling by Gmund – Gmund Used

Recycling by Gmund – Gmund Used

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8 Minutes

Green paper revolution

Gmund Paper Mill stands for a comprehensive commitment to sustainability, which is reflected in various aspects of its production and philosophy. Significant progress has been made over the last few decades. Water consumption during production has been reduced by 70 per cent and an in-house ozone purification system enables Gmund to reuse production water up to seven times. The company is also actively reducing its CO2 emissions because sustainable sources provide 100 per cent of the electricity used. Around 75 per cent of the required energy comes from the company’s own emission-free sources such as hydropower and combined heat and power generation. Since 2023, the purchased electricity has come exclusively from sustainable hydropower plants.
Paper is meticulously recycled at Gmund’s factory, where it is sorted by colour and reused in the next production run. This results in papers with a pre-consumer recycled content of 20 to 25 per cent. The company’s waste and recycling programmes contribute toward reducing waste by approximately 80 per cent. Ongoing modernisation of its machinery with energy-efficient components keeps Gmund Paper Mill on the cutting edge and positions the company for a future characterised by resource conservation and consistently high quality. Ecological aspects are also taken into account whenever new buildings are constructed and integrated into the landscape at the mill’s site beside the Mangfall River. To minimise its ecological footprint, Gmund opts for local suppliers and short transport routes: These measures not only assure that Gmund Paper Mill’s production is transparently ecological, but also enhance its customers’ credibility as environmentally aware companies. Gmund Paper Mill has voluntarily committed itself to the Environmental Charter, which comprises the four pillars of environmental protection in the paper industry: water, raw materials, waste, and energy.

Gmund Paper Mill proves that aesthetics and ecology are not mutually exclusive, but go hand in hand. The Gmund Used paper collection is a paradigmatic example of ecological awareness and innovative paper production. Manufactured from 100 per cent recycled paper and with the use of DIP pulp (deinked pulp), it transforms waste material into high-quality Gmund design paper. A perfect cycle is achieved by maximising the fibre recycling.

Gmund Used is impressive thanks to its novel, vibrant colour palette and high strength. The surface of Gmund Used is machine-smooth, the colours are intentionally vivid, and the character is slightly dusty to add an appealing touch of naturalness.

This collection combines all the requirements for a paper of the future. By utilising 80 per cent high-quality recycled European pulp and 20 per cent locally collected packaging material from Gmund, the company shortens transport distances, reduces energy requirements and minimises the use of chemicals. Unlike other recycling practices that primarily downcycle, paper recycling is genuine recycling. Paper fibres can be returned to the manufacturing process up to seven times. Gmund Used even transforms old newspapers into high-quality Gmund paper – a paradigmatic example of successful upcycling.

As the first and only coloured recycled paper to be certified according to the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver product standard (as of February 2023), Gmund Used demonstrates that paper can be both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly. The C2C certification is outstanding proof of this.

Gmund Used is a climate-neutral paper product. Unavoidable CO2 emissions generated during production are offset 100 per cent by Gmund’s support for wind energy projects around the world.

In printshops, Gmund Used fulfils all requirements and proves that sustainability and quality require no compromises. This paper exceeds all expectations and paves the way toward a greener world.

Learn more about Cradle to Cradle®

Take a look behind the scenes and learn all about the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver product standard.

Cradle to Cradle® certification
Environmentally friendly
Gmund processes renewable raw materials with an ecological self-image, paper expertise and an instinct for colour and design.
With almost 200 years of experience in paper production, we manufacture unique products with an outstanding look and feel in Gmund.
Take a look: samples of all Gmund papers and envelopes can be ordered easily and conveniently via our online shop.